In an interview with Bizz Buzz, Shyam Sekar S (Founder of Startup Xperts) shared insights on startup world and the support to build a better ecosystem.

“Startups don’t need gyan, 360-degree support to scale up is the key”

The ecosystem needs to be built in India considering the 360-degree support that is required at various stages of creation, developing, building, mentoring, funding and scaling-up of startups by budding entrepreneurs, feels Shyam Sekar S, a business growth enabler, virtual CMO and digital marketing and startup expert. A product of Malaviya NIT, Jaipur and Harvard Business School, Shyam Sekar, a well-known Startup Mentor and Virtual CMO, is the Founder, Chief mentor, at Startup Xperts, a business growth and consulting company. In an exclusive interview to Bizz Buz, he says the present ecosystem needs a lot of changes to encourage innovation among youngsters”

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